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This Erasmus was an absolutely fantastic experience. I met fantastic new people with whom I shared unforgettable moments, but above all, I was able to learn better about the situation of cyberbullying, which was the topic of discussion of this Erasmus. I recommend you all to live this experience because it is worth it and it makes you grow both in character and as a person. STOP CYBERBULLYING

Giulia Di Pasquale


Participating in these projects is enriching both personally, as you meet many people from different cultures and countries that you didn't know much about, and professionally, as it provides you with useful tools and knowledge through-non- formal education. STOP CYBERBULLYING

Pedro José Pérez Paniego


Special-that's how I'd describe this project. Having discussed cyberbullying with so many people of different backgrounds through this project, I realized that bullying affects us all, regardless of our nationality, skin color, or culture. Also, I've learned that there's no such thing as too much pasta :)) STOP CYBERBULLYING

Olga Levitchi

Learning through non-formal education has been incredibly fun and pressure-free, making the past few days truly exciting for me. Meeting new people was a fantastic experience, and we had so much fun together. A big thank you to the facilitators for making the sessions both interesting and educational. DO YOU KNOW YOUR DEMOCRACY

Stefanıja Koceva

I enjoyed meeting people from different countries and learned a lot about the importance of active participation in society. This experience inspired me to be more active in my own community. The connections I made with other people I will remember my whole life. DO YOU KNOW YOUR DEMOCRASY

Tıhana Surıc

I participate in this wonderfull activity so that I can how are ither people viewing the world. Never forget you can't lose by hearing someones opinion, you can only become better. STOP CYBERBULLYING

Matej Gjorgjievski

This experience was extremely insightful, allowing me to understand myself better. Not only did we get a chance to delve deeper into the topic of cyberbullying, but we also strengthened our bond through numerous team-building activities, which were of the outmost importance in terms of fostering a safe space for everyone. STOP CYBERBULLYING

Peter Sarunac


This project made me realize that change stems from one's active participation in democracy. In this project i fostered a democratic spirit throughout all the activities with everyone else.  DO YOU KNOW YOUR DEMOCRACY

Ivan Jordanov

This type of experience is one of a kind! You feel like you live 3 weeks in 10 days. Getting to know other people and their cultures and finding out how many things you have in common with them.STOP CYBERBULLYING

Emanuela Dinu

This project was opportunity to share valuable visions. DIGITAL JUMPSTART

Selin Durgut


I am infinitely grateful for this opportunity, which has shaped me on so many levels. Meaningful interactions and the chance to discover the hidden nuances of human nature have made me a better person, eager to disseminate the gained knowledge and spread the word about this exquisite opportunity. DIGITAL JUMPSTART

Biliyana Markova


We connected with people and embraced all the beautiful similarities and differences between us. DIGITAL JUMPSTART

Carina Duca

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